“Many years have passed, since those glorious 3 days
Upon the fields of Ole’ friendship
We forget corporate stress/ill feeling in its ominous form
As we walk in the fields of joy and laughter…
I never made promises lightly
And there have been some that I've broken
But I swear in the days still left
We will party together one last time...”
(Sting/Henry) Peace
Hi Friends,
Based on feedbacks/requests, we believe it is time for another ‘bash’ and re-acquaint ourselves. The ‘This Is It’ Reunion does connote that it is the last reunion this committee will organize.
For this reason we hope to make it a more memorable one for all. I can assure you that our 'This Is It' reunion will not suffer the same demise as the Michael Jackson concert of the same name!
This reunion (the Main Event) will be held on the Saturday, 15th September 2012 in Malaysia. So, you do have more than a year to plan for it. We will give you regular updates as the year moves towards this big event.
As usual it will be an inclusive rather than exclusive reunion. Meaning, we will make evey effort (within reason) to accommodate everyone who wishes to attend. On the other hand we fully understand that reunion is not for everyone and we always respect that.
Therefore should you wish to be deleted from this distribution list, please let me know. Alternatively, you can choose to remain on the list... just to stay in touch.
Although the organising committee members are all from Victoria University (NZ) in the 60's/70's, the 2012 Wellington Alumni Reunion (like the 2008 reunion) is open to anyone who had studied (in any institution), worked or have friends in Wellington.
That's why it is called..."Wellington Alumni Reunion". Please pass the word on to those who may be interested to attend....forward them this email.
The organising committee members of this event are,
Michael Lim mikelimhk@gmail.com
Teoh Lay Hock teohfam@gmail.com
Zuraidah Omar zuraidahomar@hotmail.com
Benny Tan bennytan@gbaglobal.com
David Chin delidavid@yahoo.com
Freddie Seow fred.seow@gmail.com
Henry Cheong hhcheon@hotmail.com
I do encourage you to join in the fun and I know you will not regret it. I've personally gained heaps from the 2008 reunion. I have re-pledged ole' friendships that have blossomed and enriched my life immensely and I hope it does the same for my friends.
We have stayed in touch; gone on trips together and even organise 'mini' reunions whenever opportunity arises. I have grown to understand and treasure these friendships much more. I strongly subscribe to the belief that in our twilight years, our lives should be more than just looking after grand-children, pottering in the garden or investing our pension.
We should have 'space' for ourselves to venture out of our comfort zone to add that extra 'sparkle' to our lives before we turn to dust.
I hope this video from my cousin's blog, 'seniorsaloud', will set you thinking...
(click on the video ...'what do people live for')
At this stage, we only need you to indicate your interest to attend this reunion. This is not a commitment but merely a show of interest. We will not hold you to anything. You can pull out later should circumstance change and you can no longer attend.
We need to have an indication of the number attending before any meaningful planning can take place. So, please pass your name and number attending to any of the committee members. We would appreciate if you don't leave this decision to the very last minute. We do need your cooperation to organise an event of this scale.
By the way, we will be setting up a facebook for the Wellington Alumni to stay 'connected'. It is not mandatory that you join this Facebook. Join only if you feel comfortable and are interested in knowing what is happening among us and news of common interest.
For those who are not familiar with Facebook (like me), you can set up a restricted FB account which will limit what people can see posted on your Facebook...just ask your grand-children and they will show you.
The following names from the previous distribution are now 'inactive' (received delivery failures). If you know anyone of them please inform them of this reunion and let me have their current email addresses
Alvin Chang
James Masing
Matthew Reweti-Gould
Mohd. Nor
Muhamed Arshad
Robert Clarke
Seng Pin Yoong
Talib Zulkifli
Tharmarajah Suppiah
Ting Chan
We hope we have given you something to look forward to in 2012...Come on let's have some REAL fun together one last time. Thumbs up
I am definitely not going to sit at home and collect dust...not that you are!
So, add your name to the attendee list now...Winking smile. Oh yes, please do not assume that we know you will be coming. You must give your names and numbers attending for our register.
Take care.
PS: If I have wrongly included you on this distribution list or you don't wish to be on it, please let me know and I will immediately remove you from it. On the other hand if there are any names that should be included on this list, please pass them on to me... Thanks
Warmest Regards, Henry Cheong